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Watercolors: New Bern Barn

New Bern Barn

Going through some pictures the other day, I came across one of our trips to New Bern, NC when my brother and his wife were not able to use there time share that week, so they offered us to go. While there, among the various different events we engaged in, we of course, went site-seeing on the back county roads and took pictures along the way. I can still recall, being strange for the area being rather flat, a barn that sat on a hillside.

Watercolor on 140 lbs coldpress watercolor paper.

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  1. Love it Deb, and I can imagine the memories attached to it and the area, makes me want to walk up the hillside and take a look-see inside. nosey aren’t I? 😉 xPenx

    • Ah yes, I have a lot of memories of the area and our week together their. Mitch enjoyed the fishing even though he didn’t catch what he wanted, and I enjoyed relaxing with a book while he fished. The site-seeing was wonderful and so was the day….I wanted to peek inside too… so I’m just as nosey….Nothing wrong with a little healthy curiosity.

      Thank you for coming by to comment, Lady Pen!
      Deb xx

  2. Nice picture Debs! 🙂

    It always seems strange to come across oddball structures in strange places, but your painting does it justice! 🙂

    Love the dead tree!!! LoL!!!

    God Bless!


  3. Barns are rarely on hills. I suppose they didn’t have much land for the barn and that’s where it ended up. If the barn caught on fire, it’d be a New Bern barn burned.

    • That’s what made it worth taking a picture of it; for it’s odd spot.
      Nice tongue twister…
      Thanks for commenting, Binky!
      Deb xx

  4. I love the green combination in the picture. I wonder will that house is save, it could slide down anytime

    • Any structure on a slop like that risks a land slide. All it would take is just the right amount of rain and loose foundation, and down it would go.
      Thanks for commenting, Kroten!

      Aunt Deb xx

  5. Androgoth

     /  October 9, 2011

    A splash of colour here brightens the mood of the darker and more ghoulish Halloween, but guess what? I rather like this one my great friend 🙂

    Have a very nice rest of day and evening Deb 🙂

    Androgoth XXx

    • There’s that there dead tree in it..Does that pass for the season?…kidding.
      I’m glad you like it, Andro. Thank you for commenting!
      Deb xx

  6. It Looks very peacefull

  7. It looks great!
    My great grandparents had a pier and beam house on a hillside raised high enough to walk beneath the house. The area was flat but under the house a natural spring ran down the hill right through the middle of under the house.
    It was in Kansas and they sold it and moved to town.
    Probably not usually the reason to build on a hillside but the painting and description reminded me of it.

    • Wow! That a really interesting story…They didn’t have to go far for water either.
      Glad you like the painting, and I’m glad I brought back a memory for you.
      Deb xx

  8. Being a city dweller I would love to live in the country. Come to think of it I can’t recall ever seeing a barn on a hill before either. Maybe it’s there for hill top sheep to sleep in at night. Or mountain goats. Or it could be a flood prone area so they put it up on the hill for safety

    • Who know what or why they have the barn on a hill like this. There’s this house back home off of Rt 522, a big house too…just built 2 years ago. Had two garage doors, one on both sides of it. Are you ready for this. The both had a deep slant on both sides, neither side was built up so they could actually drive into the garage. It’s still like that today….all that money into the house and to just leave it that way…go figure.

      I live in a big city over 30 years, and now I don’t know how I ever did. I think the next time you move, (and you should if you don’t live in the country), to the country. Seriously, you would love it.
      Thanks for commenting, Tony!
      Deb xx

  9. This is such a beautiful painting Deb. I can imagine seeing a place just like that while driving along some lovely country road. Seems like it would be a great place to have a time share for vacations.
    Big hugs, Nikki

    • The time-share was lovey, but I really didn’t care too much for New Bern, though I do have some lovely memories of the trip…the company makes the trip. And or course this strange barn on a hillside.
      Thanks for commenting, Nikki!
      Deb xx

  10. Raven

     /  December 5, 2011

    I am rather fond of old barns and new ones too! We had a big one where I grew up and between the barn, chicken coups and orchards I can’t imagine not having fun in the barn.
    A beautiful work of art…you add warmth to a barn on a hill. 😀

    Thank you for stopping by, leaving a kind comment and you are welcome to stop by anytime! 🙂

    Raven of Leyla xox

    • I’m very fond of barns. Not always keen on going in to all of the ones I come across, but I do like them. I have several more barns I did in charcoal in the drawing galley up top in the navigation.
      I’m really glad you like this one. I thought is was very unique setting up on that hillside…rather unusual.

      Thank you, Raven, and I will be by your site to visit soon. Plus, I’m following your blog.

      Hugs, Deb xx


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