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Dink and Tink

I have opened my heart and home to Dink and Tink aka, Dinky and Tinky…my adopted Wombies. I have created a page in their honor here, which is located in the navigation (pages).  So I’m inviting you to have a look to see how they are taking to their new environment here with me. Dink and Tink would enjoy your visit.

If you think you may be interested in adopting Wombies you will find all the information you need on Dink and Tinks Page. Or go directly to http://wombania.com for more information.

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  1. Cute idea 😀

  2. Ohhh I want one!!!! (or two)
    They’re so cute! Ahah She looks like a Jamaican Wombie. Look at her hair! (awesome!!!)
    Hope you’re having a beautiful day, Deb. I’m taking a little break from my revisions. Tomorrow BIG day. Ahhhh so stressful.


    • Go to the page I linked to…The page I made for them. To see how they have been doing around the house.
      Also, you you want to adopt Wombies you can click on the link provided at the end of this post, but the direct link for adopting is on their page here.
      If you want to by pass how they are doing and get right down to business to adopt. Go here and tell them I sent you.
      Thanks for taking the time to comment, Cha…Now get back to your revisions…You have a big day tomorrow, that I want to hear all about when it’s over.
      Hugs, xx

  3. They are cute arn’t they! :-)… I hope they enjoy their new adopted home 🙂

    • Sue, did you follow the link in the post to view their page…That’s were all the cuteness is. Go peek, they look pretty happy. Well we know I am anyway…lol

  4. Wayside Artist

     /  February 7, 2012

    Oh dear! They are cute, but what an appetite for “junk” food. Maybe I’m jealous as I wouldn’t mind my pantry stocked with Spam and candy. Cici is taking the new adoptions well. Looks like a happy family 🙂

    • Yes, I think so…I really like Wombies, they make me smile!
      Wombies would just tell you to eat what makes you happy…that you only live once. Guess they don’t have to watch their cholesterol and fats like we do. If all for the chocolate and wine gums though.
      Cici loves them!
      Thanks for stopping in, Nanina! Hope you are feeling a bit better.
      Hugs, xx

  5. And this is how the invasion begins. . .

  6. Aren’t they adorable!

  7. I love them Wombats.

  8. Just don’t feed them after midnight…

    • But why?

      • That’s the Gremlins myth. I think Tony is getting confused.

      • That’s what I thought….Thanks for clearing that up, Binky!
        I think Tink wants to know if it’s okay to comment on your comic…No doubt Dink too, but he didn’t ask first.

      • Of course they can comment if they want to. Hopefully they won’t be too critical. We do have to take artistic license, after all.

        • They both know not to be critical on your site, or anywhere for that matter. I’ve been teaching them to say something nice, or nothing at all. So let me know if they ever get out of line…they will be corrected immediately.

      • I’m sure they’ll be fine. It’s just that sometimes we have to bend reality a bit for the comic strip, believe it or not.
        The secret is out!

      • Lol…I’m surprise you were able to make heads or tails in my last comment…I didn’t make much sense to me…That’s what I get for blogging first thing in the morning before my first cup of coffee.
        Thanks Binky!

  9. They look sooo cute 🙂 Great idea Debbie 🙂

    • My idea was to adopt them and provide a comfortable home for them. They seem happy.
      Thanks Sabina!
      Hugs, xx

  10. I can’t wait to check it out, Deb…
    how can you not love those wombies?!

    • Go…follow my links to see their new home and all the fun they have been having. I’ll be posting more of them soon.
      Thanks Sig!
      Hugs, xx

  11. Androgoth

     /  February 9, 2012

    Excellently offered Deb 🙂

    Androgoth XXx

  12. They look like a super cute couple. I didn’t know we can adopt wombie…I wonder if I can adopt Fraz 😉

    • I doubt you will beable to adopt Fraz, because he already has a family, but one of his relatives are sure to be available. Did you follow the link in my post to see how Dink and Tink are coming along living here so far, Kame?
      Love and Hugs, sweetie!
      Aunty Deb xx

      • I am looking at it right now 🙂
        I also try to read how to adopt one…although I prefer Fraz could stay with us. He is my fellow youngest in the family


      • I know, Fraz would be so much fun to have around, but he is being cared for by Chris. But the others needing homes would be just as much fun as you make them to be.

        To adobt just write to:
        And explain why you want Wombies of your own.
        But Kroten, you better ask you mommy first.

        Love and Hugs,
        Aunty Deb xx

  1. Meet Cookie and Chewy « Deb Adams – Art
  2. Settled, Once and For All | Deb Adams - Art

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